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Kneipp facility

Relaxation by treading water

Indoor Kneipp facility near Berchtesgaden at Naturhotel Reissenlehen****

Indoor Kneipp facility in the hotel


The tastefully furnished Kneipp area at the Naturhotel Reissenlehen above Berchtesgaden, can be used by guests independently. These arrangements are offered for booking as a complete holiday package.

At the Naturhotel Reissenlehen, care was taken to design the Kneipp area very aesthetically, with natural stone tiles of different, coordinated colours and shapes. It consists of a treading pool, full-body plunge pool, arm plunge pool, foot pool and heated stone loungers for resting. Showers with a vitality showerhead are of course also available.

Indoor Kneippanlage
Kneipp im Hotel Reissenlehe

The foot reflex course rounds off the Kneipp area. Here, the foot reflex zones are stimulated in different ways. The intensity of the stimulation varies from segment to segment, resulting in a lasting stimulation of the entire organism. You will leave this area with a completely new body feeling.

Outdoor Kneipp

Tread water in clear spring water, with fresh mountain air for your lungs and a wide panoramic view of the Berchtesgaden Alps. This strengthens the organism in many ways!
The beautiful outdoor Kneipp facility, in the garden of the Naturhotel Reissenlehen, is very popular with guests. No wonder, because this pool was created with great attention to detail. Large natural stones stand as a boundary at the edge of the pool and as a focal point for the circular water treading. Like so many things in the nature hotel above Berchtesgaden, this facility has also been creatively planned and realised with a lot of charm.

Kneippanlage im Hotel Reissenlehen
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83483 Bischofswiesen bei Berchtesgaden • Reißenpoint 11 • Fax. +49(0)8652 97720220

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