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Manual therapy

Physiotherapie in Berchtesgaden
Kneipp im Hotel Reissenlehe

Structures are stretched.

Manual therapy is a form of physiotherapy treatment. It treats functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system caused by pain or restricted movement. At the Naturhotel Reissenlehen, such reversible disorders are treated by physiotherapy experts. Through mobilisation, stretching and relief techniques, an expansion of movement is achieved.

On holiday, natural relaxation has a positive effect on recovery. The Naturhotel Reis-senlehen offers the possibility to be treated by manual therapists during your stay, e.g. if you suffer from limitations due to the consequences of an operation and the resulting lack of movement.

Other examples of possible symptoms are: Osteoarthritis, hands/legs falling asleep or tingling, shooting pain in the chest, tennis elbow/golf elbow, dizziness, headache (migraine/cluster or tension headache), tinnitus, reflux, temporomandibular joint problems.

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