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Nature and activities


Pure nature from summer to winter

In every season, the Berchtesgadener Land offers wonderful mountain experiences and a variety of cultural activities. The Naturhotel Reissenlehen above Berchtesgaden is the ideal starting point for leisurely hikes and challenging mountain and summit tours - on foot or by mountain bike.

Hotel boss Sepp Irlinger likes to personally advise his guests on the most diverse tours up the mountains of our region.
He knows virtually every stone from the valley up and plenty of stories to go with it.

Watzmann in Berchtesgaden

Family Irlinger's favourite mountains and - why we love these mountains...

Untersberg: Distinct summit plateau offers breathtaking views...
Watzmann: Landmark and striking mountain range with an impressive height difference of 2,000 metres above the valley towns; and the highest wall (Watzmann East Wall) in the Eastern Alps. Challenging and incomparable climbing routes...

Kleine Reibe with Schneibstein: Unique wildlife with ibexes and marmots...
Hochkalter: Wonderful mountain scenery, rustic huts and challengingly beautiful-difficult climbing passages...

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83483 Bischofswiesen bei Berchtesgaden • Reißenpoint 11 • Fax. +49(0)8652 97720220

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