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Naturopathy practice

Health at its best

Physiotherapie in Berchtesgaden
Naturheilpraxis in Berchtesgaden

Maintain, improve and restore functions.

With the help of physiotherapy, movement and functional abilities of the locomotor organs are restored, improved or maintained. At the Naturhotel Reissenlehen, an expert in physiotherapy is available when it comes to diseases of the support and movement organs. For example, if you suffer from a spinal disease with chronic back pain and there is a doctor's prescription, you can be treated by a professional physiotherapist during your holiday at Naturhotel Reissenlehen.

Of course, physiotherapeutic treatments are also offered for prevention, recovery and relaxation, which can be booked for the holiday stay. Almost everyone has pain in their joints, a stiff neck and hardening in the muscles in between. Perhaps now is the right and relaxing time to discover faults in body posture and to be mobilised, adjusted and strengthened by the expert's practised hand movements.

In the Vitality Centre of the Naturhotel Reissenlehen the following treatments are offered:

  • Functional manual therapeutic treatment 
  • Kinesiology 
  • Anamnesis and diagnosis
  • Physiotherapy

  • Eye diagnosis 
  • Osteopathy - visceral and craniosacral
  • Neurological treatments 
  • Acupuncture

The treatments are billed privately.

Please make an appointment before arrival with Dr. phil. Wolfgang Koßek under telephone: +49 8652 6554870


Berchtesgaden Watzmann
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83483 Bischofswiesen bei Berchtesgaden • Reißenpoint 11 • Fax. +49(0)8652 97720220

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