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Prevention near Berchtesgaden

Wellness, health and prevention at Hotel Reissenlehen

"If people took half as much care to keep themselves healthy as they unconsciously take trouble to get sick - they would be spared half the illnesses."

Prevention is better than cure later!

Sebastian Kneipp already recognised the value of prevention. In order to stay fit and healthy in everyday life, you should already take advantage of the versatile offers of the Hotel Reissenlehen in Berchtesgaden near Bad Reichenhall as a preventive measure. It is only 15 minutes from here to Bad Reichenhall and 10 minutes to Berchtesgaden.

A preventive holiday is simply resting and relaxing, doing nothing or having to do nothing.

Sauna Innen

Element Wasser im Naturhotel

Use the "power of water"

Even the Romans knew how to appreciate water. In the magnificent Roman thermal baths, water was not only used for purification, relaxation and diversion, but also for medicinal purposes. It is not only the physical properties of this element that are used, but also man's spiritual relationship to water.

According to current knowledge, it is mainly the cold stimulus that is responsible for the medicinal effect of water treatments. The upstream heat phases, for example in alternating baths or during a visit to the sauna, mainly serve to intensify the cold stimulus. The improved blood circulation causes a warm and at the same time refreshing, pleasantly relaxed body sensation, which occurs after a cold water stimulus. This quick, acute effect serves to alleviate a wide range of complaints. A special style are the Kneipp partial applications which you can carry out yourself in our house.

Water - also provides inner balance

Water is nature, a source of energy and healing power. People are magically attracted to water - this is just as true today as it was in the past. The mere sight of a lively stream, the deep blue sea or a dark green lake allows us to relax and recharge our batteries. Two-thirds of an adult human body consists of water - we need it to regulate our body temperature, to transport nutrients into the cells and to remove metabolic waste products. Even a small fluid deficiency of about 5% of body weight can cause severe health problems, such as muscle cramps and apathy, accelerated heart rate and vomiting. Even a 15 % fluid deficit is fatal! An adult should consume about 2 to 2.5 litres of fluid daily - although the need can increase considerably during physical exertion and heat. Fluid is also contained in many foods - e.g. particularly abundant in many types of fruit and vegetables or in soups etc. Drinking enough water is good for your health - and your beauty! Our spacious wellness landscape has been expanded to include this true jewel.

"If people would only take half as much care to keep themselves healthy as they unconsciously take trouble to get sick - they would be spared half the diseases."

(Sebastian Kneipp)

...this is the motto of the new concept of the Reissenlehen Active and Wellness Hotel.
Put your everyday life aside and immerse yourself in the source of relaxation.
In addition to physiotherapy, our hotel offers a wide range of wellness and beauty treatments.
In the indoor Kneipp facility you can experience for yourself the effect of Kneipp treatments, which is so simple and yet so ingenious.
The smallest nerve points in the skin receive the water stimulus and pass it on to the central nervous system, from there to the vegetative nervous system, the target of the Kneipp treatments. The vegetative nervous system controls all unconscious functions such as blood pressure, heart, circulation, heat balance, metabolism and hormone system.
Our indoor Kneipp facility includes a plunge pool, a cold-water arm bath and a spacious pool for treading water. You can experience the beneficial properties of cold water for yourself. Metabolic functions and lymphatic activity are stimulated, harmful substances are excreted more effectively, and the heart and circulation are relieved. 
Recharge your batteries, gather energy and above all strengthen your own defences - the ideal start to a healthy and successful life. Under this motto, another highlight is available to our guests

The Finn sums it up with one of his old proverbs:

"In the sauna, anger dissipates."

In the charmingly designed log cabin sauna, located in the outdoor area, you can gaze into the flames in a wood-burning stove and really unwind.
The health benefits of sauna bathing have been proven in many ways. It has a stabilising effect on the heart and circulation and balances out a wide range of negative environmental influences. Metabolism and perspiration functions normalise and your immune system is at its best. You can enjoy the power of colours to relax your body, mind and soul with the coloured light device. Let the different colours stimulate, excite and relax you. Another relaxation area is located next to the indoor Kneipp facility. Here you will find a newly built sauna, which is also equipped with a coloured light device, a steam bath and an infrared cabin.

Blockhaussauna Naturhotel Reissenlehen

The sauna meets a real need of the people of our time. Daily stress leaves you largely cold, your nerves come to rest and your skin becomes firmer, clearer and therefore looks younger.
The skin is cleansed from the inside, the blood supply is increased and when cold stimuli are applied afterwards, such as the Kneipp method with the water hose or cooling down in the plunge pool, the blood vessels in the skin are constricted again and the skin is thus tightened.
The foot reflex course rounds off the Kneipp area. Here, the foot reflex zones are stimulated in different ways. The intensity of the stimulation varies from segment to segment, resulting in a lasting stimulation of the entire organism. You will leave this area with a completely new body feeling.

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83483 Bischofswiesen bei Berchtesgaden • Reißenpoint 11 • Fax. +49(0)8652 97720220

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