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Relaxation room with water beds

"Like being carried on a cloud"

A place for sensual peace and undisturbed being. This room in the Naturhotel Reissenlehen is a retreat to unwind. The special interior design with the vaulted ceiling and the integrated starry sky with lights give the relaxation room a special atmosphere and cosiness.
The waterbed with its gentle movements when lying down relaxes all muscles and tendons and invites you to daydream. Sinking into healthy sleep is one hundred percent relaxation for the organism.

Relax in peace and quiet after your sauna, Kneipp treatment or bath in our relaxation room. Our waterbeds are a blessing for your body and soul. Enjoy the tranquillity and gentle movement of the water and let yourself be carried away into a world of dreams.
Waterbeds are easy on your back and shoulders, and relax your muscles and blood vessels.

"A feeling of well-being, healthy sleep and waking up refreshed".

Wasserbetten Ruheraum
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83483 Bischofswiesen bei Berchtesgaden • Reißenpoint 11 • Fax. +49(0)8652 97720220

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